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cho jae-hyun中文是什么意思

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  • 曹在显


  • Cool guy - cho jae - hyun , seo won
    猛人-曹在显, seowon
  • Cho jae - hyun , seo won
    曹在显, seowon
  • One day , a third class gangster han - gi cho jae - hyun comes across a pretty college girl sun - hwa seo won on the street . he wants to approach her but is refused by her
    故事讲述由曹在显饰演的古惑仔han - gi有一天在街遇到一个大学生少女sun - hwa seo won ,深深被她吸引,但被拒绝。
  • The story of this film is grotesque and illogical . one day , a third class gangster han - gi cho jae - hyun comes across a pretty college girl sun - hwa seo won on the street
    故事讲述由曹在显饰演的古惑仔han - gi有一天在街遇到一个大学生少女sun - hwa ( seowon ) ,深深被她吸引,但被拒绝。
  • The story of this film is grotesque and illogical . one day , a third class gangster han - gi ( cho jae - hyun ) comes across a pretty college girl sun - hwa ( seo won ) on the street
    故事讲述由曹在显饰演的古惑仔han - gi有一天在街遇到一个大学生少女sun - hwa ( seowon ) ,深深被她吸引,但被拒绝。
  • In some senses , it seems that the director is trying to test this theory with his characters , thus , elevate it to another dimension to a certain extent . lead actor cho jae - hyun s performance is excellent . for those who are familiar with korean cinema , you should notice that he also has a supporting role in
    男主角曹在显曾演《追访有情人》 ,今次剃短头发一改型像,表现绝对是耳目一新,令人有大喜过望之感,加上全片只有一句对白,单靠表情和动作演戏,更见难度,他亦能应付自如,实是近年韩片男星不容忽视的一人。
  • In some senses , it seems that the director is trying to test this theory with his characters , thus , elevate it to another dimension to a certain extent . lead actor cho jae - hyun s performance is excellent . for those who are familiar with korean cinema , you should notice that he also has a supporting role in
    男主角曹在显曾演《追访有情人》 ,今次剃短头发一改型像,表现绝对是耳目一新,令人有大喜过望之感,加上全片只有一句对白,单靠表情和动作演戏,更见难度,他亦能应付自如,实是近年韩片男星不容忽视的一人。
用"cho jae-hyun"造句  
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